We take the rigid paperboard 
to a totally new dimension,
every way!

SB Fibre v-cut handhållen med textFSC approved
    • Up to 2400 mm width
    • Dust free
    • No cracking when bending
    • Customized production
    • FSC classified and fully recyclable
    • Best rigid paperboard for
      3D construction
    • New possibilities with
      Z-Endless Board
SWEDBOARD-Fibre-PremiumSWEDBOARD_Fibre Premium_white_10+16mm
SWEDBOARD-Fibre-Premium-natureSWEDBOARD_Fibre Premium nature_white_10+16mm
SWEDBOARD-Fibre-Brown-natureSWEDBOARD_Fibre Brown nature_ brown_10+16mm

The board is 100% recyclable & FSC certified with small CO2 emissions. Almost no waste of raw material in production of the boards.

Customized production gives the printer & converter minimal waste as well. The core is manufactured in a new way which gives us the advantage of dust free boards, no more dust while printing and cutting or during assembly on site.No cracking in any direction while bending your construction.All of this makes SB Fibre not only the most innovative & creative boards for both volume print and 3D constructions, but also, the best choice for our common environment!

FSC approved